Broadcast Media Broadcast & Social Media

Around the world, women are far less likely than men to be seen in the media. As subjects of stories, women only appear in a quarter of television, radio, and print news. In a 2015 report, women made up a mere 19% of experts featured in news stories and 37% of reporters telling stories globally
Potency.World Broadcast Media will address this by having our own alumni staff and produce gender equity stories. These stories will be available outside of Potency.World academies with the intent of changing the narrative. Inside our academies the balance will be 100% female leading stories and interviews across all media types and channels.
A Purdue University study found that in 2019, coverage of women athletes on televised news and highlight shows, including ESPN’s SportsCenter, totalled only 5.4% of all airtime, a negligible change from the 5% observed in 1989 and 5.1% in 1993.
The total drops to 3.5% if coverage of the 2019 Women's World Cup is removed. The report’s title, “One and Done,” Cooky says, is a reference to the sporadic, short-term mass coverage exemplified by the Women's World Cup. The report is published online in Communication & Sport. More information is available in the USC story.

“Every now and then, women’s sports break through the glass ceiling of media coverage, but only when it’s an elite, international competition. Even these mega events are eclipsed by the steady stream of men's sports, which are covered in season, out of season, with more energy, and at higher production values," 
Cooky said.
The project has studied televised networks since 1989, and the scope of the 2019 report expanded to include online newsletters and social media accounts managed by those televised networks.
To the research team’s surprise, despite the inclusion of digital media, which doesn’t face the same time and space constraints as televised media, the amount of women’s coverage didn’t change. Social Media

The staggering rise of social media platforms and their profound influence, not only on teenage girls but on entire nations and their democratic systems, has left many reeling in disbelief. Witnessing the relentless allure of social media, we see individuals succumbing to its grip even in the most mundane moments, unable to resist its pull while driving or engaging in social activities.

At Potency.World, we recognize the profound impact of social media addiction and its potential to shape perceptions and behaviors. That's why we've made a conscious decision to create a nurturing environment that shields our alumni from the distractions and pitfalls of external social media platforms. When students join Potency.World, they will receive a Mac Book, iPad, and iPhone, carefully curated to exclude access to external social media networks.

Instead, we've developed our own bespoke social media platform, meticulously designed to harness the positive aspects of existing platforms while fostering collaboration and personal growth among our girls. Our platform serves as more than just a means of communication; it's a vibrant community where girls can connect, share ideas, and support one another on their journey of self-discovery.

Much like the personalized recommendations offered by streaming giants like Netflix or Amazon, our social platform goes beyond mere interaction, offering suggestions and content that ignite curiosity and expand comfort zones. Through mentorship stories tailored to individual interests, we strive to redefine societal perceptions of what girls can achieve. By inundating our students with content that showcases the myriad possibilities available to women, Potency.World instills a belief system rooted in boundless potential and endless opportunity.

At Potency.World, our mission goes beyond traditional education; we're committed to nurturing the hearts and minds of our students, empowering them to embrace their uniqueness and chart their own paths to success. Through our dedicated social media platform, we not only foster collaboration and connection but also cultivate a sense of empowerment and possibility, inspiring our girls to dream big and reach for the stars. Together, we're reshaping the narrative, one empowered girl at a time.
December 9, 2023
Bring on the Female Superheros

Why is it so hard to find female superhero merchandise? In this passionate, sparkling talk, media studies scholar (and father of a Star Wars-obsessed daughter) Christopher Bell addresses the alarming lack of female superheroes in the toys and products marketed to kids -- and what it means for how we teach them about the world.

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February 9, 2022
Teach Girls Bravery

Potency will be in every country in every environment where the opportunity presents itself. Our vision is to be in 50 countries and graduate 500,000 young women annually each year by 2035.

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January 28, 2022
Do Schools Kill Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.

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